

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is the most commonly performed aesthetic eye procedure that deals with the contours of the upper and lower eyelid space. The main aim of this procedure is the removal of excess skin and muscle from the upper or lower eyelid and either reduce or reposition the underlying fat to a more youthful configuration.

Who will benefit from Blepharoplasty?

Eyes are a defining feature of your face. Saggy eyelids and bags under the eyes give a constantly exhausted and tired appearance. Saggy upper eyelid skin can also obstruct the vision. Blepharoplasty is performed to remove this obstruction and improve appearance.

In some patients, the eyelids may be asymmetric and blepharoplasty is performed to improve symmetry.

What to expect from the procedure?

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty: an incision is made on the upper eyelid in the natural crease. The excess skin, muscle, and fat are trimmed or repositioned through this incision. The incision is closed with fine stitches. Incisions will be invisible once healed.

Lower Eyelid blepharoplasty: this usually requires a general anaesthetic. A skin incision is made directly below the lash line and the skin and muscle lifted forward to allow the removal or addition of fat. Excess skin is trimmed before the wound is stitched. Another method is to make an incision on the inside of the eyelid, called a transconjunctival approach. A transconjunctival approach allows access to the eyelid fat without visible incisions on the skin, making this technique perfect for patients who need fat removed or added. This operation is very effective at removing eye bags but is less predictable for removing wrinkles.